Sunday, August 5, 2007

Second floor framing

After April and Jeb left for Anchorage, we finished up a busy week around here before we were able to head south ourselves. By the end of the week the second floor framing was completed. Here the crew is assembling the south wall of the main living floor before setting it in place.

This view is looking into the SW corner of the house that will eventually be the stairway with the window seat (on the right) and the back tv-den-whatever it ends up turning into (maybe kiddy play room?) room, on the left.

And from the north side. In the front will be the kitchen on the left and living room on the right.

Here is the entryway on the main floor on the right with what will become the downstairs bathroom on the left. The photo is taken from the spot where the wood stove will sit, along the west wall of the living room.

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