Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baby shower

It's been awhile since we've done an update...and here we are less than three weeks from our due date! Where have the last eight months gone?!? Everything is going well with the baby and we've nearly assembled all the baby gear we'll need for the first few months. Thanks everyone for helping with that monumental task! It was impossible to find many of the larger items in Fairbanks, and frustrating to have what we couldn't find here shipped to us. Luckily, we have a great team of supporters willing to store, ship, and lug stuff back here for us...hooray for wonderful parents and wonderful Rachel, who just returned from her Thanksgiving trip with not one, but two large packages for baby. Whew! Speaking of wonderful Rachel...

Three weeks ago she opened her home to a horde of gift-bearing, hungry women, gathered to celebrate the impending arrival of baby Kaufman. Such a support system we have in place here in Fairbanks! I feel terribly lucky to be surrounded by so many great (and generous!) women.

There were gifts from many friends and family who couldn't be's a sweet little onesie from auntie April who we miss very much. We'll see if we can ship her and little Marit up here to meet the baby this winter...Jeb, you can come too! :)

The first hand-knit hat I unwrapped...thanks Sarah! I think this one will be the perfect coming home hat for baby. There are so many great knitters around here...I really need to learn to knit so I can reciprocate!

Ellie was so thoughtful to bring her extra "poop chart". Lauren can't believe such a thing exists while Erin's inner scientist appreciates the subtle differences between day 2 and day 3 newborn poop.

Putting your baby in this turns him or her into a living stuffed fun! I actually pointed this bunting out to Rachel in catalogue as "the cutest thing I'd ever seen", only to find out at the shower that my mom also pointed this out to Rachel asking if she thought I would like it. Great choice Mom! We love it :) Thanks to Rachel and all the ladies at the shower and to so many friends and family who sent gifts. I'm sure you'll all be seeing the things you gave us again and again on the blog in the countless baby pictures we'll post as proud parents in the coming months and years!

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