Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all our favorite Moms, Grandmas, Bushkas and Aunties a wonderful Mother's Day!

We love you and miss you!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring break up

It's been a quick change from winter to summer here...April came in cold and snowy and left with temps topping 80F in some parts of town. It's a real heat wave and it's lasted for almost a week. The 2 foot snow pack is nearly gone from everywhere and our yard is a muddy mess - all the better for Kieran. He is a true puddle lover and can't stay away from the little runoff streams meandering down every slope. More about that below. First I must share a few sweet the look on his face here. It says "I may be in trouble here but that was really fun and I'd definitely do it again - but I better not smile"

Fairbanks snow is too cold for making snowmen during winter so we took advantage of the warm spring snow and made Kieran's first snow friend. It had arms and legs and...


Max did what he could to mitigate another year of melt water running into the leach field. It seems to have helped and we'll have a passable yard much sooner than we would have otherwise. At the moment the yard would probably swallow you whole at your first step. Muddy mud mud.

An after school snack on the front step. This is as close as I can get Kieran to inside when we get home in the afternoon. He must be outside for an hour minimum before I can convince him that he wants to come in for dinner.
This was last night after his bath, after his book, and ready for bed...sort of. He was about to head off to bed when he heard Max shoveling outside. There is no putting Kieran to bed when something as exciting as shoveling is happening outside! He ran to the front hall, grabbed his boots and opened the door. He was too cute to stop. He picked up his shovel and ran out to help.

"It's okay, I'm here dad. What are we doing?" Kieran is so proud of his breakup boots. They're just like daddy's.

Must keep the drainage ditches free of debris! Kieran is an excellent helper.

First survey the situation.

Then get to work. Just like his papa...and I mean JUST like his papa! They're more alike every day.

Look at that technique! Sometimes I have to remind myself that he's only 16 months old. Sometimes he reminds me though, like when I'm trying to get him in the house before he's ready or he has to wait for me to peel his apple. Then he is definitely 16 months old.

Looking up the snow-free driveway. We had some exciting car rides up and down the driveway during the's nice to see dirt again.

Kieran does occasionally come inside. Here's a quiet moment on a sunny morning with his penguins. What a sweetie.