Saturday, February 9, 2008

Many firsts

There have been many firsts during the last week. Right before we moved from the cabin Kieran began reaching for his toys hanging on the boppy seat. Very exciting!! His next first hasn't yet been caught on camera but he's been smiling for almost a week now. They're quick but they're awfully cute and are generally accompanied by happy kicking feet. So far the biggest smile I've seen was for Max. Kieran loves his daddy.

Rufus lost his first rolled up paper ball under the new stove. When we cleaned underneath the cabin stove we found at least two dozen paper balls. Maybe it's a game for Rufus and not just bad luck.

Kieran checked out his new crib for the first time. He likes spending time there talking to the animals but so far he hasn't slept in it yet. That'll be a hard transition for both of us!

He got his first bottle just two days ago. After all my worry that he wouldn't take a bottle he sucked it down like he'd been doing it all his life. This baby is good at everything! And Grandma got to feed little Kieran for the first time.

And Kieran took a quick first nap with his buddy Rufus.

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