Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More firsts for little Kieran

Once again another month has passed since we posted anything here. Testiment to our busy days with an active ten month old. Here's a few pics to try to get caught up. Kieran has been quickly changing from baby to near-toddler over the past month. He prefers walking to crawling these days, always clutching at least one grown up finger for balance. But he's standing on his own with excellent balance so it won't be long before he takes his first solo steps. Alas, the easy days of keeping up with Kieran are almost over. Here he is on his first bike. He figured out how to propel himself forward in minutes and now does a great job getting around the house. The cats have learned (for the most part) to mind their tails when Kieran's on wheels.

Are you going my way?

Snow continues to intrigue him. A little tub of snow will keep him busy until it either melts or he's eaten it all.

He's so eager to play with it that he doesn't stop to let his little hands warm up. This is his cold and achy hand face.

When his hands recover he's right back at it. This is part of the tough little Alaskan training.

He graduated to cheerios a few weeks ago and never looked back. I wasn't sure if he was ready for them and gave him one to see if he could handle it. Then the box tipped and he was right there shoving as many as he could collect into his mouth. No choking. No hesitation. Apparently he was ready.

He's been busy exploring new levels of the house. He loves to take all the gloves, hats and keys off this cart. Initially everything would get spread all over the floor. Now he brings them over to throw into the firewood box. Very tidy.

Getting pulled in the sled. He gets really excited when we start moving, then he turns very quiet and gets a serious look on his face. I can't tell if he likes this activity but it gets us outside with minimal preparation so I think we'll keep doing it until he decides to make a real protest.

Here's his serious face. Happy? Sad? Worried? I can't tell.

Back at it. He can spot snow on anything, anywhere, anytime.

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