Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring house projects

It's been a busy spring around here with much talk of gardening and house projects that need doing.

Kieran has been doing his part and helping where he can. His favorite accessory of late is Max's pair of ear protection headphones. He wears them for work and play and would likely wear them for everything else if he had his way. He has been right in the middle of the construction of our garden containers for the deck. He's an enthusiastic worker.

Getting some measurements for Daddy.

These two make a good team. Kieran beelined it out to the deck after his bath for two evenings in a row so he wouldn't miss anything. There's nothing like a good, solid day's work...before or after bath.

Max and Kieran did a nice job on the container project (a condition of approval of Max's field-heavy summer work schedule). Now Kieran and I can busy ourselves with watering while we wait for Max to come home in between trips (because we didn't have enough to keep us busy before...?!?).

Max collected a trailer load of soil for the containers, which greeted Kieran and me in the driveway when we arrived home in the evening. Kieran got right to work planting a stawberry patch. I was inside getting dinner started when he came in and pulled me outside to show me his work. I guess we'd really been talking up the garden. Kieran planted strawberries from the flat of beautiful, ripe berries we brought home from the market. Here he is counting the strawberries he planted for me.

I love this. Of course this is what a little one would expect a stawberry garden to look like!

Harvest time comes a lot sooner when you plant the mature fruit!

Just as we were beginning to think about playing the odds and planting before that "last frost" date we were surprised by a late snowfall that brought us back to reality.

Kieran couldn't have been happier. He had already harvested his strawberry crop AND he was able to give his snow shovel one last spin around the deck before summer.

1 comment:

Dana+Martin said...

That strawberry patch is soooo cool!