Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gandma's big project

Kieran is a project guy so it was with great anticipation that he waited for Grandma's holiday visit and the start of his carpentry apprenticeship. It was a long wait but he was patient and filled his time with small projects of his own.

Grandma's tools began arriving before she did. Kieran explored each one and incorporated many of them into his project play. He adopted them wholeheartedly and kept them safe in his room behind the door.

Then Daddy started bringing home tools for Grandm's impending visit. This was getting exciting!

Finally, Grandma arrived and she and Kieran were ready to tackle project window seat!
They did a great job and with Kieran's help (or in spite of it) Grandma built and installed our long awaited, beautiful and cozy window seat.

A job well done! Thank you Mom, we love it! NOW it's time to relax!

It's a perfect little reading nook or a quiet place to sip tea and watch for wildlife in the yard.