Monday, September 15, 2008

While Max is away...

Max is enjoying a pretty unique opportunity to visit one of the recently erupted volcanic islands out on the Aleutian chain. His job is to get as close as possible to the business end of the volcano and hang around there for as long as it takes to set up one of his GPS sites. Hmm, on second thought maybe I shouldn't have agreed so quickly to this. So far so good, it seems. He sent this photo earlier in the week. What a wild landscape! I'm sure he'll have plenty more to share when he gets home. In the meantime, Kieran and I have kept ourselves busy...

We joined Rachel for some late-season raspberry picking at the farm down the hill. All the rain and cooler temps in August made for some beautiful and very late berries! You can see from the picture that Rachel only has eyes for Kieran ;)

We took our berries to Carrie and Duff's house over the weekend. Carrie and Thea hosted a scrumptious brunch of eggs bennie and Rachel made raspberry crepes. Mmm.

The kiddos enjoyed a playdate. Kieran had a great time playing with Thea's toys while she was swinging away. Nothing's better than a pile of toys you've never played with before!

This one was pretty exciting. Kieran's checking out his ride.

It took a few of us to figure out how to start it. I hope Kieran wasn't too disappointed to discover that even when "started" it doesn't move. Oh well, it played some nice music and the dash board sure lit up!

Kieran even had a chance to visit with his old Bumbo. What a fun morning!

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